Vitjanin hjá SEV var partur av vitjanini hjá ES forkvinnuni eins og danska forsætisráðharranum Mette Fredriksen at vitja Føroyar. Og her hevði grøna orkuskiftið í Føroyum stóran áhuga.
Forkvinnan var sera áhugað í at hoyra um tær alternativu loysnirnar, sum m.a. SEV arbeiðir við at loysa avbjóðingarnar at hava eina avbyrgda elskipan, sum eisini skal vera 100% burðardygg skrivar SEV á síni heimasíðu eftir hesa sera forkunnugu vitjanina.
"This is very impressive", segði hesin týðandi ES gesturin og nevndi serliga, at ES og onnur hava nógv at læra av Føroyum og okkara miðvísa arbeiði við at gerast sjálvbjargin á orkuøkinum.
Royndirnar seinastu tíðina hava víst, hvussu ómetaliga umráðandi tað er ikki at vera so bundin at øðrum fyri at fáa orku.
(Mynd: Sverri Egholm)
Í tíðindaskrivi eftir vitjanina skrivar Ursula von der Leyen soleiðis:
"Of course, a very important topic for us is the fight against climate change. You have impressive resources for wind and hydropower, and I saw it today as we were visiting the wind park and seeing the whole concept of renewable energy. So, I am not only deeply impressed but I am absolutely sure that you will reach your goal of sourcing all your land-based electricity from sustainable supplies by 2030.
This is what you presented today, in the morning, and it was amazing to see the strategic approach to really reach the goal for renewable energy by 2030. On that topic, we can have very fruitful exchanges of best practices be it your experience and our experience on energy efficiency, electrification and storage, of course this is always a big topic. So the overall big topic is the fight against climate change where we want to join forces and where a lot of business opportunities are waiting to be developed."
![[object Object]](https://cdn-ac.knassar.fo/media/2024/03/14/gallery-thumbnail/1710445700xvfbem0rjz.webp)
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