Í dag skipar danski felagsskapurin, sum umboðar olju- og gassvinnuna í Danmark, ”Olie Gas Danmark” fyri ráðstevnu í Keypmannahavn um grønu avbjóðingina og olju og gassspurningar sum heild.
Undir heitinum ”Green transition – our shared responibility” verður varpað ljós á grøna umskiftið og framtíðina hjá olju- og gassvinnuni. Á ráðstevnuni luttaka bæði umhvørvisfólk, politikarar, vinnulívsfólk og onnur.
Kjakið í Danmark um framtíðar olju- og gassvinnuna, har framtíðar leiting í Norðsjónum er ein partur, hevur tikið dik á seg seinastu tíðina og um somu tíð sum politikarar úr fleiri flokkum hava mælt frá at geva loyvi til nýggja leiting, so mæla umboð fyri vinnuna frá at gevast við oljuleitingini og virkseminum annars. Her nakrar av yvirskriftunum til ymsu framløgurnar:
A new political reality
The political situation has changed radically over the past year. A new government has taken over office and the climate agenda has become the determining factor in almost all...
Global energy investment and the need for an energy transition
Climate change and the question of how it is possible to adapt to the targets of the Paris Agreement has become a defining factor in the conversation on how we fuel our societ...
Balancing energy security and environmental objectives: the role for North Sea oil and gas
Domestic production of oil and gas from the North Sea has for decades created a solid foundation for energy supply. The ongoing energy transition means that a question natural...
Domestic production
Domestic production of oil and gas from the North Sea has for decades created a solid foundation for energy supply. The ongoing energy transition means that a question natural...
Carbon foot print of oil production
Denmark’s production of crude oil is the world’s greenest due to Danish crude oil being of a high quality and a co-production of natural gas. However, crude oil and natural ga...
Talk: Oil and gas production and the green transition
Widely recognized projections from many sources show that oil and gas will be in strong demand in the EU and the world for the coming decades. How can this demand be satisfied...
Debate: The green transition and our shared responsibility – Part I
In order to reach the Paris Agreement’s ambition of reducing the rise in the global average temperature to 1.5 degrees, the energy system must be changed significantly. Howeve...
Debate: The green transition and our shared responsibility – Part II
In 2018, the Danish oil sector contributed over 8 billion DKK to the Danish treasury in taxes. Therefore, the Danish recovery of oil and gas from the North Sea is very benefic...
Tiltakið verður stroymað frá kl. 11.45 føroyska tíð til kl. 17.30. Sí her:
Her um tiltakið á heimasíðuni hjá Olie Gas Danmark
Nakrir av donsku politikarunum, sum fara at hava framløgu og luttaka í orðaskiftinum
Vinarliga broyt tínar kennifíla - og privatlívsstillingar fyri at síggja hetta innihald