Søvn og aðrir mentanaraktørar eru týðandi partar av samrøðuni um veðurlagsbroytingar og kunnu kveikja broytingar í hugburði og atferð, tí tey eru von at miðla fakta soleiðis, at tað er lætt at skilja. Hetta skrivar Tjóðsavnið á síni heimasíðu og vísir til nýggja verkætlan um veðurlagsbroytingar.
Verkætlanin “Digital Action on Climate Change with Heritage Environments” stytt DACCHE, snýr seg um at brúka lokala vitan og eggja nærsamfeløg at verja mentanarlandsløg og siga søguna um støðini við millum annað talgildum loysnum. Partur av verkætlanini er at gera ætlanir fyri og fremja náttúruendurbøtandi átøk í tilgongdini at røkka javnvág millum útlátið, ið verður latið út í náttúruna og útlátið, sum verður tikið upp við náttúruloysnum (‘net zero’). Verkætlanin eggjar sostatt íbúgvar, ferðafólk, ung og myndugleikar at broyta hugburð og atferð við at læra gjøgnum mentanararv til gagns fyri samfelagið og umhvørvið.
Tjóðsavnið stendur fyri føroyska partinum av verkætlanini, ið hevur fingið arbeiðsheitið “Týdningurin av torvi fyrr og týdningurin av vátlendum nú”. Nólsoyar fornminnissavn og Junkarshagi luttaka eisini í verkætlanini saman við Umhvørvisstovuni.
Til ber at lesa meira um føroyska partin her.
Niðanfyri ber til at lesa meira um DACCHE-verkætlanina í síni heild.
Climate change presents a clear and present danger to the culture, heritage and life of communities in the NPA region. Heritage organisations are key actors in climate dialogue, motivating communities and visitors through awareness and action. Digital Action on Climate Change with Heritage Environments (DACCHE) facilitates the use of local knowledge and equips communities to preserve cultural landscapes, with digital solutions and methods for communication of climate stories, and actionable strategies for land restoration, instilling advocacy in the face of a rapidly changing environment.
Cultural landscapes combine works of both nature and humankind, and are home to communities and their heritage. Landscapes, archaeological sites, artefacts, and intangible practice threaten human legacy through temperature variance, rising sea levels, and extreme weather conditions.
Local capacity is strongest when given tools and pathways for democratised agency. The development of frameworks, toolkits and solutions to elevate community voices through citizen science monitoring of heritage sites leverages knowledge exchange to contribute to equitable action for sustainable land management. Generation of simulated climate futures using state of the art emergent technologies and rich exhibiting to communicate climate stories invigorates new audiences to action. Enthusiasm is harnessed through land restoration and ecosystem management, feeding back into investment in the landscape, climate impacts, and positive mitigation.
DACCHE investigates how organisations can leverage emergent technologies to build local capacity for climate change adaptation, risk prevention and disaster resilience. By leveraging community knowledge and approaching new challenges from the perspective of “learning through heritage” we motivate and enable tourists, youth, local people and authorities to inspire behavioural changes for societal and environmental benefits, progressing to global net zero.
Jamtli Foundation, Sweden
Aurora Borealis, Norway
Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, Iceland
University of Iceland, Iceland
Donegal County Museum, Ireland
Faroe Islands National Museum, Faroe Islands
Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning & Creativity, Sweden
July 2023–June 2026
The total project budget is 1.448.871,57 EUR of which 584.285,78 EUR from EU funds.
With financial support from the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (Interreg NPA) and Region Jämtland Härjedalen.
For new updates about DACCHE, please visit https://linktr.ee/dacche_interreg
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